The first live, in-person BMP training event in awhile, more than 5 years! So excited to be with you all in person! I have loved working online with people all over the world, realizing that it is possible to learn the BMP curriculum through recordings. It is amazing what so many of you have done.
And . . .
When I teach BMP in-person I am able to go deeper with each individuals patterns and development.
And . . .
This will be the first workshop officially integrating BMP 3.0. The first 8 years of BMP training were BMP classic. In 2004 when Body-Mind Psychotherapy: Principles, Techniques, and Practical Applications came out, that was the beginning of BMP 2.0, really integrating context, circular attunement, and the interaction cycle.
When Heart Open, Body Awake: 4 Steps to Embodied Spirituality I began teaching embodied spirituality, trying to keep it separate from BMP. Now with BMP 3.0, I get it! I can’t separate them out.
Embodied spirituality and embodied meditation are now officially part of the Body-Mind Psychotherapy curriculum!
from the newsletter:
What if each moment is a gift, a blessing, a teacher, an altar? Is this still true when we are challenged? What if, being human, we have the opportunity to meet the moment with every aspect of our beings—our bodies, our minds, our hearts, our pains, our confusions, our past, our future? What if our desperation is a call to open more fully to what is?
Of course, we know all this is true in our better moments. And it is incredibly difficult to remember, and even more challenging to actually live it. It takes so much time for our bodies and our psychologies to catch up with our true nature. This is why we need psychology and spirituality working together. To develop psychologically. we need the inspiration and the experience of connection to deep presence. To develop spiritually, we need the grounding, the patience, and the practical tools of psychology, communication, and relationship.
It’s taken my 40 years to integrate psychology and spirituality, to understand fully how inseparable the two are in human life.
May 31 9:30-4 and June 1 9:30-4, 2025
Early bird price before Mar 1: $200
Regular after Mar 1 – May 9: $300
Late registration between May 10-15: $350
Registration closed May 16
For more info, email us!