Body-Mind Psychotherapy
Embodiment is the moment to moment process by which human beings may allow our awareness to enhance the flow of thoughts, feelings, sensations, and energies through our bodily selves. Embodiment requires the creative ability to allow the life of the universe to move through our bodies, be colored by our unique perspective, and move back out into the world. Embodiment implies an unencumbered flow of life into us as food, air, liquid, sights, sounds, and more organized experiences. Read More …
Body-Mind Psychotherapy is a masterpiece.
— Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, founder Body-Mind Centering
Natural Intelligence
Watching an amoeba moving through fluid, one can see the currents of water around it and the currents of the plasma within it. The membrane separating the two—amoeba from the water—responds to both but seems to maintain some intention as well. The membrane shapes itself to engulf a particle in the outer fluid. It does so without resisting or jumping ahead of either the inner or outer flow. We humans have infinitely more forces moving us at every moment, yet we can integrate this natural intelligence of the amoeba on many levels. Read More …
Natural Intelligence is one of my favorites. I share my dog-eared copy with my students and clients, because the exercises are so valuable.
— Jan Cook, Organizational Educator
Coming Spring 2021
Heart Open, Body Awake: The Four Steps of Embodied Spirituality.
By Susan Aposhyan
Publication Spring 2021, Shambhala Publications
Our bodies, and particularly our hearts, are the gateway to spiritual intimacy and connection to our worlds. This book is both an introduction to embodied spiritual practices— Embodiment Practice, Embodied Meditation, Opening the Heart, and many more, and also a deep exploration of the profundity that occurs when dedicated spiritual practice includes the body.